All Display Cases for Warhammer
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Limited Edition Display Case for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Skaventide - Skaven Army
2 reviewsPrezzo originale €138,95 - Prezzo originale €138,95Prezzo originale€138,95€138,95 - €138,95Prezzo attuale €138,95| /Showcase your fearsome Warhammer Skaven army like never before with a Limited Edition Wicked Brick display case The Skaven, as treacherous as they ...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €138,95 - Prezzo originale €138,95Prezzo originale€138,95€138,95 - €138,95Prezzo attuale €138,95| / -
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Limited Edition Display Case for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Skaventide - Stormcast Eternals Army
1 reviewPrezzo originale €138,95 - Prezzo originale €138,95Prezzo originale€138,95€138,95 - €138,95Prezzo attuale €138,95| /Showcase your Age Of Sigmar (4th Edition) Stormcast Eternals army with a Limited Edition Wicked Brick display case. Hand-forged by the God-King Sig...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €138,95 - Prezzo originale €138,95Prezzo originale€138,95€138,95 - €138,95Prezzo attuale €138,95| / -
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Display Case for Warhammer Army with Endless War Background
30 reviewsPrezzo originale €82,95 - Prezzo originale €113,95Prezzo originale€82,95 - €113,95€82,95 - €113,95Prezzo attuale €82,95| /The Army case is our largest size, it is designed to hold several pieces in one. It can hold up to 3 rows of miniatures and can even hold larger it...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €82,95 - Prezzo originale €113,95Prezzo originale€82,95 - €113,95€82,95 - €113,95Prezzo attuale €82,95| / -
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Display Case for Warhammer Miniature with Endless War Background
11 reviewsPrezzo originale €23,95 - Prezzo originale €30,95Prezzo originale€23,95 - €30,95€23,95 - €30,95Prezzo attuale €23,95| /Our smallest case is the Warhammer miniature case, it is designed to hold individual pieces. They have a square base that is available in 3 sizes a...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €23,95 - Prezzo originale €30,95Prezzo originale€23,95 - €30,95€23,95 - €30,95Prezzo attuale €23,95| / -
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Display Case for Warhammer Squad with Endless War Background
8 reviewsPrezzo originale €35,95 - Prezzo originale €65,95Prezzo originale€35,95 - €65,95€35,95 - €65,95Prezzo attuale €35,95| /The Squad case is the second case size, it is designed to hold several pieces in one. It can hold up to 2 rows of miniatures (depending on the size...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €35,95 - Prezzo originale €65,95Prezzo originale€35,95 - €65,95€35,95 - €65,95Prezzo attuale €35,95| / -
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Display Case for Warhammer Miniature with Clear Background
12 reviewsPrezzo originale €20,95 - Prezzo originale €27,95Prezzo originale€20,95 - €27,95€20,95 - €27,95Prezzo attuale €20,95| /Our smallest case is the Warhammer miniature case, it is designed to hold individual pieces. They have a square base that is available in 3 sizes a...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €20,95 - Prezzo originale €27,95Prezzo originale€20,95 - €27,95€20,95 - €27,95Prezzo attuale €20,95| / -
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Display case for Warhammer Army with Clear Background
12 reviewsPrezzo originale €76,95 - Prezzo originale €106,95Prezzo originale€76,95 - €106,95€76,95 - €106,95Prezzo attuale €76,95| /The Army case is our largest size, it is designed to hold several pieces in one. It can hold up to 3 rows of miniatures and can even hold larger it...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €76,95 - Prezzo originale €106,95Prezzo originale€76,95 - €106,95€76,95 - €106,95Prezzo attuale €76,95| / -
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Display Case for Warhammer Squad with Clear Background
15 reviewsPrezzo originale €31,95 - Prezzo originale €60,95Prezzo originale€31,95 - €60,95€31,95 - €60,95Prezzo attuale €31,95| /The Squad case is the second case size, it is designed to hold several pieces in one. It can hold up to 2 rows of miniatures (depending on the size...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €31,95 - Prezzo originale €60,95Prezzo originale€31,95 - €60,95€31,95 - €60,95Prezzo attuale €31,95| / -
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Display Case for Warhammer Army with Eternal Conflict Background
1 reviewPrezzo originale €82,95 - Prezzo originale €113,95Prezzo originale€82,95 - €113,95€82,95 - €113,95Prezzo attuale €82,95| /The Army case is our largest size, it is designed to hold several pieces in one. It can hold up to 3 rows of miniatures and can even hold larger it...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €82,95 - Prezzo originale €113,95Prezzo originale€82,95 - €113,95€82,95 - €113,95Prezzo attuale €82,95| / -
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Display Case for Warhammer Miniature with Eternal Conflict Background
1 reviewPrezzo originale €23,95 - Prezzo originale €30,95Prezzo originale€23,95 - €30,95€23,95 - €30,95Prezzo attuale €23,95| /Our smallest case is the Miniature case, it is designed to hold individual pieces. They have a square base that is available in 3 sizes and each si...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €23,95 - Prezzo originale €30,95Prezzo originale€23,95 - €30,95€23,95 - €30,95Prezzo attuale €23,95| / -
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Display Case for Warhammer Squad with Eternal Conflict Background
No reviewsPrezzo originale €35,95 - Prezzo originale €65,95Prezzo originale€35,95 - €65,95€35,95 - €65,95Prezzo attuale €35,95| /The Squad case is the second case size, it is designed to hold several pieces in one. It can hold up to 2 rows of miniatures (depending on the size...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €35,95 - Prezzo originale €65,95Prezzo originale€35,95 - €65,95€35,95 - €65,95Prezzo attuale €35,95| / -
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Oversized Miniature Display case for Warhammer with Endless War Background
4 reviewsPrezzo originale €48,95 - Prezzo originale €67,95Prezzo originale€48,95 - €67,95€48,95 - €67,95Prezzo attuale €48,95| /The Oversized Miniature cases are perfect for large characters or dioramas. You can even display several pieces together creating a spectacular sce...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €48,95 - Prezzo originale €67,95Prezzo originale€48,95 - €67,95€48,95 - €67,95Prezzo attuale €48,95| / -
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Oversized Miniature Display case for Warhammer with Clear Background
4 reviewsPrezzo originale €41,95 - Prezzo originale €60,95Prezzo originale€41,95 - €60,95€41,95 - €60,95Prezzo attuale €41,95| /The Oversized Miniature cases are perfect for large characters or dioramas. You can even display several pieces together creating a spectacular sce...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €41,95 - Prezzo originale €60,95Prezzo originale€41,95 - €60,95€41,95 - €60,95Prezzo attuale €41,95| / -
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Oversized Miniature Display case for Warhammer with Eternal Conflict Background
1 reviewPrezzo originale €48,95 - Prezzo originale €67,95Prezzo originale€48,95 - €67,95€48,95 - €67,95Prezzo attuale €48,95| /The Oversized Miniature cases are perfect for large characters or dioramas. You can even display several pieces together creating a spectacular sce...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €48,95 - Prezzo originale €67,95Prezzo originale€48,95 - €67,95€48,95 - €67,95Prezzo attuale €48,95| / -
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Limited Edition Display Case for Warhammer+ Soulblight Gravelords - Karlina Von Carstein
1 reviewPrezzo originale €34,95 - Prezzo originale €34,95Prezzo originale€34,95€34,95 - €34,95Prezzo attuale €34,95| /The Soulblight Gravelords, accursed vampires brought forward to command hordes of unliving thralls, are among the most powerful subjects of Nagash....
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €34,95 - Prezzo originale €34,95Prezzo originale€34,95€34,95 - €34,95Prezzo attuale €34,95| / -
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Limited Edition Display Case for Warhammer+ Mibyllorr Darkfang - Chaos Sorcerer Lord
No reviewsPrezzo originale €41,95 - Prezzo originale €41,95Prezzo originale€41,95€41,95 - €41,95Prezzo attuale €41,95| /Through their close connection to the Dark Gods, Chaos Sorcerer Lords are the powerful oracles and seers of the Slaves to Darkness. Deprived, fiend...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €41,95 - Prezzo originale €41,95Prezzo originale€41,95€41,95 - €41,95Prezzo attuale €41,95| / -
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Limited Edition Display Case for Warhammer+ Imperial Agents - Inquisitor Ostramandeus
No reviewsPrezzo originale €41,95 - Prezzo originale €41,95Prezzo originale€41,95€41,95 - €41,95Prezzo attuale €41,95| /Imperial Agents are devout, uncompromising operatives and zealous practitioners of the Imperial creed all with one goal: to hunt down and persecute...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €41,95 - Prezzo originale €41,95Prezzo originale€41,95€41,95 - €41,95Prezzo attuale €41,95| / -
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Limited Edition Display Case for Warhammer+ Bazdrogg Nekk-choppa
No reviewsPrezzo originale €41,95 - Prezzo originale €41,95Prezzo originale€41,95€41,95 - €41,95Prezzo attuale €41,95| /The Ironjawz are a terrifying, muscle-packed confederation of Orruk war clans who rampage and riot across the Mortal Realms. The most brutal of the...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €41,95 - Prezzo originale €41,95Prezzo originale€41,95€41,95 - €41,95Prezzo attuale €41,95| / -
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Limited Edition Display Case for Warhammer+ Astra Militarum - Unbroken
1 reviewPrezzo originale €27,95 - Prezzo originale €27,95Prezzo originale€27,95€27,95 - €27,95Prezzo attuale €27,95| /The Astra Militarum is the largest coherent fighting force in the galaxy. The Kasrkin, however, are the elite of the elite. These disciplined and p...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €27,95 - Prezzo originale €27,95Prezzo originale€27,95€27,95 - €27,95Prezzo attuale €27,95| / -
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Limited Edition Display Case for Warhammer+ Cities Of Sigmar - Marshall Ashfield And Squire Udo
1 reviewPrezzo originale €34,95 - Prezzo originale €34,95Prezzo originale€34,95€34,95 - €34,95Prezzo attuale €34,95| /As bastions of light and hope in Mortal Realms, the Cities of Sigmar utilise their unbending faith and overwhelming firepower to fight back the sur...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €34,95 - Prezzo originale €34,95Prezzo originale€34,95€34,95 - €34,95Prezzo attuale €34,95| / -
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Limited Edition Display Case for Warhammer+ Vindicare Assassin - Operative Umbral-six
2 reviewsPrezzo originale €48,95 - Prezzo originale €48,95Prezzo originale€48,95€48,95 - €48,95Prezzo attuale €48,95| /The skilled and stealthy agents of the Officio Assassinorum are amongst the most dangerous paramilitary assets in the Imperium’s arsenal. This mini...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €48,95 - Prezzo originale €48,95Prezzo originale€48,95€48,95 - €48,95Prezzo attuale €48,95| / -
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Limited Edition Display Case for Warhammer 40,000 Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle
1 reviewPrezzo originale €89,95 - Prezzo originale €89,95Prezzo originale€89,95€89,95 - €89,95Prezzo attuale €89,95| /Protect and display your noxious Mortarion miniature in all of his putrid glory with a Limited Edition display case. The enormous Mortarion, Daemo...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €89,95 - Prezzo originale €89,95Prezzo originale€89,95€89,95 - €89,95Prezzo attuale €89,95| / -
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Display Case for Warhammer 40,000 Mortarion Daemon Primarch of Nurgle
No reviewsPrezzo originale €76,95 - Prezzo originale €76,95Prezzo originale€76,95€76,95 - €76,95Prezzo attuale €76,95| /Protect and display your noxious Mortarion miniature in all of his putrid glory with a Wicked Brick display case. In this looming miniature from W...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €76,95 - Prezzo originale €76,95Prezzo originale€76,95€76,95 - €76,95Prezzo attuale €76,95| / -
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Limited Edition Display Case for Warhammer Age of Sigmar Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion
2 reviewsPrezzo originale €69,95 - Prezzo originale €69,95Prezzo originale€69,95€69,95 - €69,95Prezzo attuale €69,95| /The Master of Feasts, the Carrion King and the Lord of Masks - Showcase the ancient and monstrous Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion in our Limited Edit...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrezzo originale €69,95 - Prezzo originale €69,95Prezzo originale€69,95€69,95 - €69,95Prezzo attuale €69,95| /